Healthy Habits During Lockdown

Healthy Habits

We all know how important it is to have healthy habits and now is the perfect time to work on them. At this current moment in time we are all stuck at home so I think this is the perfect time to try and implement new healthy habits into our lives. We have lots of time to be able to focus and complete these activities. 

These new healthy habits we are creating could be very simple or very complicated. It could be anything you have been wanting to do like making your bed in the morning or learning a new language. I have been focusing on a few main habits they are:

made bed

Making My Bed In The Morning

I have been trying to get into the habit or making my bed in the morning for a while now. I somehow always found that there wasnt enoughg time in the morning to do it before work as I would get up at 6 am and have to shower get ready and eat brekfast and leave for work at 6:40 am to make it in time for work. Because of this I didn’t leave any time to make my bed in the morning and I would come home to it in a mess. Now I am at home all day I have been making my bed as soon as I wake up and I have been loving it. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something and puts in a good mood for the rest of my day. I have implemented this as the first step in my morning routine and I love it. 

glass of water

Drink Water

Some days I am excellent and drink lots of water and other days I can get to about five o’clock and realise I haven’t drunk any water yet. So I have been focusing on my water intake and I find it much easier for me to drink water throughout the day by using a water bottle as I can then track exactly how much I have drunk or need to drink.

woman stretching


During this lock down I have been making sure that I am getting some form of exercise during the day. Some days this is following an exercise video on YouTube, there are so many different videos for all fitness levels. Other days I do yoga, I also follow along YouTube videos to do this. Some morning I just do some exercise with some of the equipment I have at home such as weights, resistance bands, weighted hula hoop or a skipping rope. If I really am not feeling like doing any of these then I will just go for a walk instead. I have been trying to make sure I do at least one of these every single day. 

healthy food

Healthy Eating

I have not been the best eater during this lockdown. Some days my food is quite healthy and other days it is all junk food. An easy way to a little bit more healthily that works for me is trying to eat at least one piece of fruit and one vegetable each day. By doing this I am finding it much easier to add a few pieces of fruit and a few vegetables into my diet. 

made bed


I have been wanting to make reading every day a habit for a long time now, but I have finally managed to do it. I challenged myself at  the beginning of lock down to read for at least thirty minutes each day. At first I struggled and missed a few days and now I am finding it super easy to do this and often read for more than thirty minutes each day. 

Healthy Habits For You

This is a list of habits that I wanted to create for myself, they are just inspiration for you. However, it is important to pick habits that you want to make or that you are interested in otherwise it may be difficult for you to create the habits and stick to them. It is also important to remember that just because you skip a day doesn’t mean that you should stop all together, it just means that you try again the nest day. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog and it inspired you to try and make some healthy habits for yourself. If you have any what ifs, questions or ideas please contact me by using the form below or by my social media accounts.

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